
Friday, October 29, 2010

What To Do?

I’m getting fed up with our water pipes and kitchen faucets. The repair man and plumber that I asked to repair it several times have been scratching his head as well. He said that instead of continuously repairing it, we have to replace it already with a tougher pipes and quality faucet brand such as Kohler kitchen faucets. I told our owner of the house about our endless water pipe problem and he seems to be ignoring our requests. The husband said we should not be the one spending for each repairs since we have done our part already and the problem now has to be take care of by the owner. But as I’ve said he doesn’t seem to care. I don’t know what to do now ,sigh.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Invest On Unique Corporate Giveaways.

Have you decided what to give to your corporate clients on Christmas? Well, if you’re still clueless, I’ll give an idea. Actually there are a lot of good things to give. Stop the usual umbrellas. There are custom usb drives that your clients would definitely love to receive. I’ve seen a lot of this in the internet and there are not the ordinary USB that are being sold before. There are now a lot of designs that are unique and very innovative. Did you know that you can give good impression if your corporate giveaways are unique and presentable? So you should invest in giving quality and nice corporate giveaways. Start this Christmas.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Beauty Expert

I would have been in a different field if only pursued my childhood dream. When I was a kid I would always play as a salon owner and fix my sister’s hair which they loved so much. They would also do cat walks like expert models. When we grow up, things changed along with our passion and careers. I pursued advertising and developed my creativity in the field of production and design. I was thinking maybe if I didn’t changed what I want to be, I might have gone studying abroad. It could have been in a cosmetology school in Phoenix to further my study in cosmetics expertise. Until now, I’m still passionate about this area. I was just reading the school’s website and I’m amazed at their approached in offering beauty courses. Cosmetic is one of the industries that is fast growing this days and a person who wish to enter it and become experts should really consider studying in school like Regency Beauty Institute.

This blog post was based on information provided by Blogitive. For more information, please visit or contact Regency Beauty Institute – 10217 North Metro Parkway West – Phoenix, AZ 85051

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Why Men, Why?

I can’t believe men now are getting vainer than women. I was surprised to watch the story featured in the news one time. There are products that are being used by women before and are now releasing versions for men. There are diet pills for women and there also a different kind of diet pills for men. When the news about putting the ROTC back in college subjects, male students are the one who first reacted negatively. Men nowadays are also carrying vanity kits! Oh, my! Whatever happened to them? I’m getting scared. I hope I will be able to raise my son with a different attitude. Hayz!

Oh, Wrinkles

When you reach the age of 30, did you happen to asked this question: “do anti wrinkle creams work?

Well, I did. Being an advertising student in college, I know what marketing strategies are and how to entice people to buy a particular product so I become some kind of a critic when it comes to commercials and product endorsements. I have seen a lot of advertisement already for anti wrinkle creams and honestly, I know that some are just exaggerating to entice people. So if you’re planning to buy something don’t buy just because the TV ad says it’s effective. You have to study first if the claims are real. I know there are wrinkle creams that really work you just have to find one that is trusted by many and proven to be effective.

One of The Best Hospital In Town

I went to the Medical City last week to accompany my friend who went into series of lab test and examination. I went with her so I can also visit a dermatologist to request for a cauterization session. When I was there I saw that there have been a lot of improvements since my last visit. They are now placing sticker to every visitors who enters the building. Also, they are now using medical carts in some clinic that we passed by. Well, what can I say; this hospital is one of the hospitals in the city with the best facilities. I only doubt with the service since I’ve heard of not so good reports on some doctors. I just hope there were minimal cases because with this kind of hospital people expect good and quality service, right?

Don't Rush

A lot of people who have weight problems might be thinking on how to lose weight fast. Some would even rush things out and will find the fastest way neglecting the fact that abrupt and rapid weight loss is dangerous. I’ve seen some well-known people who tried this and the result is terrible. Some people who did this experienced loss of body water, dry or hanging body skin, loss water tissue, gal stone, hair loss and shivering. So avoid experiencing these things. I always believe you can’t rush anything. Everything needs to be taken properly and that includes dieting and losing weight. If you want to look healthy while losing weight, do things right and always consult a professional before trying anything.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Piggy Bank

There were times when I’m short of cash, I just get my piggy bank and get some coins. Believe it or not, I still save my lose coins in a coin bank. I find it very helpful. But I only put ten peso and five peso coins inside so I know that I’m saving quite a lot. I’m also teaching my daughter the value of saving so she also owns a piggy bank. I just wish that I can put not only five or ten peso coins but gold coin inside. If I had I bet I’ll be saving even more. Gold has been one of the most trusted precious metal since the ancient time and having rare gold coins equals having treasures on your hand.

Monday, October 18, 2010

What's Good About Online Shopping

Nowadays, with the advent of e-commerce, shopping was made even better and easier. Sellers reached their target consumer wherever and whenever they want. Whether you’re looking for plus size women's clothing or kid’s wear, everything is available now in the World Wide Web. Everything that people needs they can get online without the hassle of traffic jams and crowded malls. There’s even some travel saving websites for our traveling needs. What’s good also is that there are companies that give out coupons for our online shopping which give special discounts for our purchases. The best coupon sites I know gives out coupons at almost all my favorite shopping sites. This is one of the blessings the internet gave us especially for busy moms like me who can’t even visit the mall because of our busy schedule at work and at home. I’ve known some friends who do online shopping and prefer it over going to the mall. They don’t just save gasoline but energy as well.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Skin Problems

I’m going to visit my dermatologist later today. I’ve been meaning to do this since I gave birth but was not able to do so due to lack of time. But now that I only have 30 days to use my HMO I want to maximize it and use all the benefits I can avail before the end of its termination. A colleague went to a dermatologist yesterday and she said that the doctor she visited was super nice and she even accommodate even if the body part is not included in our benefits. I’m talking about warts removal, lol! So I said I’m going to the same doctor, haha! Anyway, I’m just happy that I only have small skin problems, warts are easy to removed unlike acne. Acne needs a lot of attention, and you have to used the most reliable acne cream to treat them.

Water Weight?

I recently found out that some of the weight we’re carrying are not fats but are actually excess water in our bodies which is commonly called water weight. Fact is, people can easily get rid of their excess water weight in some simple ways. There are water pills which are also called diuretics and there are also natural foods like melons, cucumbers, asparagus, beets, oats, cabbage, carrots, lettuce and tomatoes to name some. But experts advice to go natural because some diuretics get rid of excess water so fast it causes some side effects in the bodies.

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Don't Keep It In The Box

If your family owns a rare form of gold bullion, don’t just keep it inside the box. Sure it doesn’t rot over time but it will be more useful if you invest it somewhere. Gold investment is rapidly emerging now so don’t just adore it and be fascinated with its beauty. One ounce of gold bullion is now ranging from $1,000 and up. And if you own several pieces, it could be the start of the wisest investment you can ever have. Gold appreciates in value over time so if you’re into gold investment you can be sure of secured future ahead.

Glee Season 2

Yey! Finally Glee's Second season started airing and their first episode was totally awesome. And yes, because Charice was there!, Yey. I watched it and I can't help but feel very proud that a Filipino was actually, there singing with Rachel (Lea Michele), and making the world know that she can really sing. Wow, I'm so impressed, really. I can't wait to watch the next episodes with "Sunshine Corazon". By the way, I wonder why they picked this screen name, does it somehow relates to the late Pres. Cory Aquino? Hmmmmm...

Brave Teacher

This is my daughter's school teacher. She was challenged during the show to come to the stage and show how brave she was so the kids won't be scared with the Albino. Whew, she was really brave to hold that snake and even let it embrace her. I won't do that even if those hosts bend their knees, hehe.

A Piece of Wealth

Do you own any gold coin? Are you fascinated with gold coins like me? Well, here’s another trivia: did you know that the first gold coins are believed to have been minted in 670 B.C. by King Gyges of Lydia in Turkey? And the legendary King Croesus minted 98% pure gold coins in 550 B.C. Also the true value of gold coin is not really their face value more often their gold content is higher than their face value. So if you have any gold coin (from your grand ma’s treasury box), carefully examine it. You may never know you’re having a piece of very precious piece right in your hand!

Balloon Art

I have been meaning to decorate my son's birthday party next year so I'm up for the challenge on learning balloon art and decoration. And last Wednesday during the little girl's field trip, I was able to do my first balloon art:

A poodle that I learned by following instructions from one of our tour guides. Hehe. I realized balloon art is fun and easy. Just twisting a 260 balloon here and there and whoa-la, I was able to put a smile to my daughter's face.

September Monthly Round Up

What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
- Smart parenting :)

What movies and/or TV shows did I watch this month?
- Toy Story 3

What special days did I celebrate and how?
- Alyssa (my niece's) 6th birthday

What gifts did I give and/or receive?
- None

What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
-Johan got amoebiasis :(

What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
- Hmmm...going to the mall

What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
- I tried cooking different chicken recipes like, orange chicken, lemon chicken and sesame chicken, all were praised and delightfully tasted.

What special or unusual purchases did I make?
- Two pairs of 3 inched heels shoes, jeggings and unusually style tops from my favorite shopping haven.

What were this month’s disappointments?
- Work and Johan's health :(

What were my accomplishments this month?
- Booked venue for the kiddo's birthday, found good suppliers.


Here’s a trivia. Did you know that in 1961 Americans were forbidden to own gold? For many centuries, gold has been the world’s primary medium of exchange but after World War 1, many countries stepped down from the world’s strict gold standard. And the US was one of these countries. Owning gold in all aspects was not permitted by the United States. Only after 13 years were the US government allowed Americans to acquire, own and use gold. At present, more and more Americans who owns gold bullion are investing it to secure their future. Wow, what a huge transformation after more than three decades!