
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Music Passion

My kids are somehow inclined to musical instruments. My daughter is now learning piano basic in her school. She also likes to take violin class next year. My son loves drums. When he finds it, he would tap our table as if he was playing the set. He’s also fond of the strings..he loves playing his toy guitar. I’m thinking that we should enroll him a music class to develop this musical passion. And when he can already hold a real guitar, maybe we can purchase his own baby taylor guitar at guitar center

Printing Shops

Printing shop is one of the trending business nowadays especially those that offer low cost of prints. Market price ranges from 1 peso to 2 and even if there are a number of print shops already there are still spaces for new comers to join the bandwagon. It’s a tested profitable business but are you into it? Are you ready to run your own printing shops? To start off, of course you must have the knowledge on the work. Photoshop, computers, and printers are your best buddies in this kind of business. Clueless on what printer to purchase, there are a lot of websites for printers that you can check to get reviews and ideas on what will be best for your own shop. It’s a just a matter of enthusiasm and passion to get started.

Monday, January 14, 2013

All on Signs

Signs can be attractive or it can be hilarious. It can attract people or it can get people’s attention because of its weirdness. I saw a lot of signs that are funny t first but after some keen thinking, maybe it’s because people who made those signs lack knowledge on sign making, don’t have the adequate materials, or just simply don’t care as long as it can be called a sign. Signs are important because it’s going to be public. Signs are meant to be seen by people so it’s important that it’s readable, it’s correct and it’s informative. If you have a business that needs signage, it’s better to consult professionals. There are a lot of Signs shop in VA that can help you do this. So don’t take it for granted.


This is some bits of our pastor's sermon two Sundays ago:

From Alex and Brett Harris’ Do Hard Things, quoting the daily periodical Bits & Pieces:
Complacency is a blight that saps energy, dulls attitudes, and causes a drain on the brain. The first symptom is satisfaction with things as they are. The second is rejection of things as they might be: “Good enough” becomes today’s watchword and tomorrow’s standard. 
Complacency makes people fear the unknown, mistrust the untried, and abhor the new. Like water, complacent people follow the easiest course — downhill. They draw false strength from looking back.
Truth is, it was an eye opener for me...

New Year Resolution: Detoxify

After all the festivities of last month, many people are now experiencing the post holidays blues, depression, and probably, problematic about weight gain at least. So it’s expected that every year, one of the resolutions that’s always on top of the list of many is to lose weight. And some would even go to detox rehab to gid rid of all the toxins gathered during the holidays. Well, it’s the new year and people wanted to start the year right. And it’s good to that one of our goal is to start the year healthy.