
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Silence and Musings

A lot’s happening in my life lately which I’m just too silent (or should I say “lazy”) to blog about. I just couldn’t find the right words and can’t come up with a nice post. But I’ll sum it up:

• My baby’s 1st birthday is nearing. I’m not doing any preps? Yeah, we just decided to hold her party at McDonald’s. It will be on June 2. But the family will have a private celebration on May 30. The party we reserved was meant for the kids. I just prepared a tarpaulin for her backdrop and bought some souvenirs for her ninongs and ninangs and our friends who’ll come. The children will be given loot bags courtesy of McDonalds. Here’s one thing I’ve learned about kiddie parties. Don’t we often throw huge parties for our kids in order to impress other parents or at least, to keep up with them? Maybe this doesn’t include you, but let’s admit some parents are. Kids just want to play, a one year old baby don’t care about checking everything off the activity list nor if everything matches and looks just so. I don't want to sound sour-graping here. This is just my thought. I just hope that Jaden will still enjoy her 1st birthday party even if her dad will not be present.

• Speaking of Jerry. He’s booked tentatively on May 25 for KSA. He was hoping to be booked after our baby’s birthday but it seems not possible. He can be booked on the 31st but we're worried that he might go alone since the batch he belongs will be leaving on the 25th. I don’t want him to travel on a foreign land alone.

• I don’t know what will happen to me once Jerry leaves. I have experienced leaving alone when Jerry’s still working in the province. It didn’t feel good. I miss him a lot and always anticipate his coming home every other week. This time, he’ll be gone for two years straight and I’m really praying that I can overcome. As of this time, I'm still calm. I just can't tell how I'll feel when that day comes that he'll board the plane. I'll surely miss him terribly.

• Because of this, I’m thinking about being a full-time mom and just put up my own business. I just need to conceptualize a good business plan that will maximize my talents and creativity. I don’t want to be an eight-to-five slave any longer. I also don’t want to miss Jaden’s growing up years. I just realized what I missed about my baby. I know that I need to take care and supervise her a mom and a dad at the same time.

Well, just thinking things out.

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