
Friday, February 03, 2006

Tagged by Cynch


4 jobs i've had in my life
1. Dunkin Donuts girl (my first part-time job in college..just want to experience it :D)

2. Operations Assistant for DCMPhils.
3. Customer Service Staff for MIB
4. Executive Asst. for ADTEL inc.
- been working for years hehehe -

4 movies i could watch over and over
1. Pretty Woman
2. Legally Blonde
4. My Bestfriend's Wedding

4 Places I've Lived
1. Manila City
2. San Mateo, Rizal
3. SSS Vill., Marikina
4. and now with husband, still in Marikina City

4 tv shows i love to watch
- I don't really like watching TV... -
1. TV Patrol

2. Only You (for now while it's airing.. after that, i don't know :D)

4 Places I've Been on Vacation
1. Cebu City
2. Zamboanga City
3. Baler, Aurora
4. Oriental, Mindoro

4 websites i visit daily
1. Yahoo!
2. Blogssss... (to catch up :D)
3. DIGISCRAP websites... I'm hooked!
4. mindtools

4 of my favorite foods
1. French Fries
2. Pasta
3. White Chocolates
4. Fried Chicken

4 places i'd rather be right now
1. in baler, aurora (... to be with my husband everyday :D)
2. vacation in Singapore (loved to!)
3. in the office, where I spent most of my time
4. or at home...

4 bloggers i'm tagging
1. Toni
2. Dionne
3. Kitts
4. Nette

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