
Saturday, May 24, 2008

Her comfort toy

Ozzy's mom, Vannie gave me this tag. It brings me back to memory lane :)

Here are the rules:

Post a photo of your baby with her first ever favorite/comfort toy. Write some details of your fondest memory of your baby and her toy (like what I did below). This will make a good memento when your baby grows up!Lastly, before you pass this on to six (or more) mommies, don’t forget to add the link to your website/s at the end of the page. I’m sure many moms would love to see your sites, too!==================================================

When she was four months old, I bought a small and soft pink pillow for her. She began to love it since then. She can't sleep with out it and it even has a name! She calls it " Baby". I don't know why and when she gave the name. It doesn't even had any baby prints. It's printed with cute little piggies. Until now she's using it and he can't sleep without it. When she don't have it with her, she will look for it anywhere. I remember one time her yaya put it to the laundry basket she cried and put it back to our room. She hugs and kisses it and she even carries it with her sometimes when we go out. She just can't leave it whenever she sees it lying in the sofa.

I don't know if until what age will she use the pillow but one thing Im sure... it comforts her. :)

I'm tagging hot mommas Milet, Lilet, Jacque, Lutchi, Jhona, and Kitts.

1 comment:

MiLeT said...

done. may tag ako sa u kung nde mo pa nagagawa.