
Friday, January 26, 2007

Saving...Budgeting..Extra Income

I just opened a savings account for me and my daughter a while ago. This is to finally put a check mark on my goal No. 1 (see this post).

I had one before but couldn't maintain it since the branch is inaccessible for me when I got married. So I had to closed it and open a new. I guess this is the start. I've been meaning to do it way, way back but I couldn't find the time. I think that as long as I haven't had a savings account my plans for saving won't push through. I used to lay away an amount from my earning every payday and labeled it as "SAVINGS" but when a time came that I chance something and wanted to buy it or when my budget got short, I eventually take it out from where I kept it and so, nothing's left to be saved.

This is my plan every start of the year. To saved. I hope this time procrastination won't kick in. I'm really, really eager to make it happen this time. I already started the year with an organized budgeting scheme and a coin bank where I drop every loose change we have, preferably 10 and 5 peso coins. I also started listing every expenses we made everyday, up to the very last centavo. This is to monitor where our money go...I find it very useful.

With an eight-to-five job with an average income and a husband who earns a meager salary (being a nurse in a rural hospital) plus a rented house and a growing child, and the credit cards to pay off (I'm eager to pay them off and get through them)...I know saving and budgeting would be a little hard. But I'm determined.

I'm also looking into getting some source of extra income... I'm searching and looking for ideas and possibilities. And I hope I can find one.

We live simply. But we get by though...with God’s help. And with God’s help, I believe this will happen. We can do it.

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