"Momma prayed, momma cried, momma laid awake at night.
She would fight my battles while I slept away cause momma knew life is hard without somebody on your side.
I don't know how, but there is power in the way,
The way my momma prayed."
~words and music by Jeremiah Olson of 40milesNorth ~
Last week I bought a book entitled: Psalms for Mothers..I forgot the name of the author but I love how she collected the verses and the points she shared for mothers to ponder. It was not brand new but there's one point which struck me and made me continue reading on.
The author was right when she said that none can compare to a mother's prayer. And when I read the quote above, indeed it is true that mothers are great prayer-makers. One look on our child as they leave for school, play with their friends, even while sleeping can bring a prayer to our lips. The mother prays constantly for her child to be protected from any harm, for God's guidance whenever she can't be there physically for her children, to bless their lives that they may be able to provide for their needs, to give them good health. A mother prays that her children will grow in the way God would want them to be. She prays that God will give her wisdom and knowledge that she will be able to raise her children in God's direction. These are indeed the same things I'm praying for my daughter...everyday.
Morning and night, I pray for my daughter because I believe that it's the only thing I can do for her. I know that her life is not ours to control or to hold in our hands. Our children belongs to God's, and they are just loans of love to us parents. And how we raised them is what God wants to see when they grow up...it's also the measure of our being good stewards. Our pastor once said that a child is blessed if she has a mother who knows how to kneel and cry before God for their children...God hears a mother's prayer. God hears the cries of a mother's heart.
I have heard a lot of stories of successful persons just because they have their mothers praying behind them, and one of them is Lance Armstrong. A lot of winning stories of people...and the secret, prayerful mothers.
I know my daughter does not understand why, when sometimes she sees me kneeling or just eyes-closed and muttering words she cannot hear. She doesn't know that her mother is earnestly praying for her. When she sleeps, I pronounce blessing as I pray and lay my hands on her. I pray that someday, when she grow, she would also realize the power of prayer. And that she will also have a heart after God, a prayerful heart that she can also pass on to her children.
This week's IOW is hosted by Heather at her site, Titus 2 Woman. She has chosen the quote above which was from Jeremiah Olson of 40miles North.
Praying for our kids is the only thing we can do for them that has eternal value. I hope I never take that for granted. Bless you for sharing.
We are their first defense and what better protection can we give them, then our love, and our prayers!!
Great post!
BEAUTIFULLY SAID! The heart of a mother seeking the Lord for her family. May God richly return to you a harvest of righteousness and love in your own life and the precious lives of your dear children.
Dear Mhay,
This was just beautiful, and oh so true.
I also pray your daughter will learn to pray and accept Jesus as her Saviour.
Blessings to you!
You are right - prayer is really the only thing we can do for our kids!
Just Beautiful! Continue the blessing!
So true. As Philippians 4:6-7 says "Do not be anxious in anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." I pray that our kids grow up learning to love God in their lives. thanks for sharing :)
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