
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

In "Other"Word: Live Like No One Else

"If you'll live like no one else, then later you can live like no one else."
~ Dave Ramsey ~

This quote reminds me of the ant in Proverbs 6:6

…look at an ant.
Watch it closely; let it teach you a thing or two.
Nobody has to tell it what to do.
All summer it stores up food;
at harvest it stockpiles provisions."

Dave Ramsey is such an amazing encourager to people who wants to get out of debt and those who wants financial peace. I’ve not yet read his book but I saw one of his online video clips His lively and compelling views on financial wisdom will leave you feeling like there is really is hope for your financial situation no matter how bad it is. His principle is true that when we sacrifice now, we’ll have our reward tomorrow. But few are willing to sacrifice now. Instead they enjoy life….to the fullest. Instead they hold on to the quote that says: “eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow they will die. “ Poor decision.

God want us to have the good life he intends us to have. It’s just a matter of decisions and choices. God does not want us living in debt, broke…nor living merely just to get by. He wants an abundant life for his children. And getting the life he wants for us is not hard to achieve if we are willing to work on it…and sacrifice. Being practical is not bad. Spending wise is a plus. Saving for the rainy days is one good practice we should start. Be a good steward of the resources and blessings He entrusted us. Being spendthrift is one good point also.

I personally am encouraged to try Dave’s principles, specially the “Debt Snowball” process. It will be tough for me especially I’m just starting. But I know it’s just a matter of consistency, self-control and self-discipline. If we really want to live like no one else in order to live like no one else later, we should start doing what needs to be done today. We have to have the courage to take on the necessary steps if we want that life God wants us to have.

This week's IOW quote was chosen by Amy of In Pursuit of Proverbs 31. She has chosen a quote by Dave Ramsey.


Karen said...

The snowball affect can work both ways, for the good or bad. It's our choice. I'd rather it went for the good of managing my money instead my money managing me. Thanks for sharing.

twinklemom said...

Ack..having some computer issues today with my server. Sigh.

In today times with high gas prices, it's so so important we take more control and focus of our finances and prepare for tomorrow and live less for today; It's a hard lesson to learn but with more riches when it is.

Traci said...

Such a good post.... and the book is a ver good read!

Denise said...

Such a great post.

Michelle Bentham Blogspot said...

Great Post. Insightful and well said. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.