
Monday, January 28, 2008

Manic Monday #3

If you could have a servant come to your house every day for one hour, what would you have them do?
-If a servant would come to our house, she won't be doing anything anymore. Actually, I already have a helper in the house, and so far she's doing good in helping me out. She's baby sitting my daughter when I'm at work. She do the laundry every week-end and also do the pressing. I also asks her to run for errands aside from her usual tasks. I, on the other hand is in charge of the cooking..coz I love it.

Has your life ever been changed by an apparently random occurrence?
-Yes. Actually a lot of times. And I look as it as God's way of talking to me. I believe every occurences, every event, every incident has their own purpose.

You're having dinner with several friends and acquaintances. They all criticize a close friend of yours (not knowing he/she is a friend). The criticism is unjustified. What would you do?
- Being a true friend, I'll speak for him/her and for what is right. I'll tell them that it's not good and fair to talk about and criticize a person behind his/her back. But of course I will say this in a very careful and pleasant manner. I'll tell them later that the person is a close friend.. let them think how'd they feel if they are the ones being criticize behind their backs. Also, I'll speak in behalf of my friend if I know about the issue. I will defend him/her if he/she's falsely accused. And I will reiterate that it's just not right to criticize a person who cannot defend her/himself because he/she is not there.


Clickin Mama J said...

Great answers. Happy MM!

Gabriel said...

Very good post. I liked your honest answers.

My post is here. Happy MM!

twinklemom said...

Love your posts! I really enjoy reading them!