
Monday, January 14, 2008

What I'm Grateful for...

Thanks to Pam and Eds for tagging me.. and to answer the question, here's the list of what I'm grateful/thankful for...
  1. For Jerry....for loving me unconditionally. For being a good husband to me and a good father to Jaden. For doing everything he can for our family.

  2. For the joy Jaden is bringing to us...she is truly a bundle of Joy. God's gift.

  3. For having an ever helpful, caring and supportive family...whom I can always count on specially now that hubby's miles away.

  4. For the caring and loving friends I have..

  5. For all the blessings God has been giving to me and my family. My work, my extra income which I consider blessings from God. Good health and provisions for our daily needs.

  6. For the church that Í belong...for all the wisdom they are sharing to me. Because of that I grow spiritually and learn more about God. Because of them, I can share the talents I have. And because of them, I was able to serve God and give back what He has given to me.

I'm now tagging Milette, Jane, Nice, Darlene and Raquel.


MiLeT said...

gawin ko to pag sinipag na ko ha.

daan lang po.

M0rN1nG & N!cE said...

Thanks for the tag sis. Here's mine >


Pam said...

Thanks Mhay.. have a great week :)