
Monday, July 28, 2008


Thanks for this Vannie....

Prayer for the MV Princess of the stars fatalities and survivors.

Dear God, we pray that you comfort each bereaved family everyday as they grieved for their loss, we pray that you will supply all their needs, we pray for the survivors that they may have a good life after the tragedy, that you will bless them and let them know in the deepest part of their heart that in spite of what have happened, you LOVE and CARE for them. This we pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

I encourage everyone to keep the prayer going. LET’S P.U.S.H. (PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS).
We Prayed: 1. Through The Rain 2. God’s gift 3. The Adventures of Dong and Jing 4. Me, Myself and I 5. malditang bunso’s journal 6. Underneath It All 7. 100% Kelly 8. My Colorful World 9. InkBabyStudios 10. TheSaladCaper 12. MommyTalks. 13.FunFierceFabulous 14. Me,Myself+2 15.Kidd Designs 16.Ozzy's Mom 17. Married and Happy About It

Please join us in prayer: Lilet, Melisse, and Kitts

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